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OPEN THURSDAYS 5:00pm to 6:30pm

The Faith Food Pantry, which first opened in February 2023, works with All Faiths Food Bank to distribute free meat, produce, bread, and non-perishable items 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. each Thursday.
I don’t live near Faith Lutheran Church, and I’m not Lutheran. Can I still get food at the Faith Food Pantry?Absolutely! We welcome anyone from anywhere who needs food for any reason.
To qualify to receive food, does my income need to be under a certain amount?No. We welcome people in any economic situation, recognizing that special circumstances such as high medical bills or other emergencies can tap out an individual’s or family’s finances.
Will I need to provide any information about my income or the number of people in my family when I come to the Faith Food Pantry?The first time you visit the Faith Food Pantry or any other pantry affiliated with All Faiths Food Bank, you will be asked to provide some demographic and income information. All Faiths Food Bank needs that data to qualify for government subsidies and charitable donations. Food pantry volunteers at Faith Lutheran will enter the information you provide into the All Faiths Food Bank system, where it will remain confidential. Faith Lutheran does not keep any of your personal information. Faith volunteers then will provide you with an All Faiths ID card that you can use at the Faith Food Pantry or at any food pantry that is affiliated with All Faiths Food Bank. On subsequent visits, simply show that ID.
I also sometimes get food from a different food pantry. Can I also get food from the Faith Food Pantry?Yes. If you need food, we are here to help.
Can I get food from the Faith Food Pantry every Thursday?Yes. Faith volunteers will be happy to see you every week.
Does the Faith Food have volunteers that speak Spanish? Ukrainian? Portuguese?Unfortunately, no. But we have first-time food pantry forms that are written in Spanish, Ukrainian and Portuguese, and we use translation apps on our phones.
¿Y si hablo español? ¿La Faith Food Pantry tiene voluntarios que hablan español?Desafortunadamente, no. Pero tienen formularios de primera vez en español, y usamos aplicaciones de traducción en nuestros teléfonos.
If the Faith Food Bank offers food that I don’t like or can’t use, do I have to accept it?No. You are welcome to look through each pre-packed bag of food you receive and leave any items that you wouldn’t use.
The Faith Food Pantry isn’t in a convenient location for me. What other food pantries could I visit?There are many All Faiths pantries in Sarasota and DeSoto counties. Visit to see the complete list.

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